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Penduka Netherlands Foundation âš« Stichting Penduka
Stichting Penduka plays a pivotal role in providing guidance, expertise and fundraising efforts to the namibian organisation.
At the heart of our efforts stands Christien, the founding member of Penduka whose profound insights and leadership provide guidance to the Namibian management team and board.
In collaboration with the local management team and in conjunction with partners such as Wilde Ganzen, we have embarked on a comprehensive program aimed at nurturing the essential skills and capacities required to transform Penduka into a thriving Namibian social enterprise.
As Penduka's distributor, our commitment lies in showcasing the beauty of Namibian heritage and establishing connections with customers on a global platform. In our endeavour to expand Penduka's horizons and make its products accessible to international markets, we collaborate with talented designers. During the collaborative process, artisans and designers are tasked with developing innovative new products. Throughout this process, we ensure to offer essential training to artisans and designers, promoting intercultural dialogue.
Also we facilitate volunteer placement at Penduka and organise an annual program, bringing Namibian team members to Europe for valuable experiences, workshops and engagement with supporters.
Through these initiatives, we are empowering Penduka's local team, fortifying their ability to drive positive change within their community.
Foundation Penduka Board Members are
Christien Roos
Founding member
Bert Toxopeus
Tineke Foblets
Emily Holtmaat
Fred Bouwmeester
Bouwina Ensing
Hilde Feddema
We can count on the time and skills of many dedicated volunteers, contributors and companies who stand behind the Penduka philosophy. Our fundraising efforts are supported by a large network of Penduka fans in the Netherlands, in Germany and in the rest of the world.
Thank you for considering supporting Penduka. Your generosity will help us to continue our vital work and create a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.
If you wish to make a donation or support a specific project, this can be through Paypal or with a money transfer on NL77 RABO 0325186901.
For any question regarding our work, feel free to reach out to Christien Roos on or +31(0)6 52016396
We are proud to inform you that Penduka Netherlands has been recognised by the Dutch tax authorities as an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) with ref. 8088.62.261. For Dutch tax payers this means that donations can be deducted.
ANBI regulations: publication of reports (Dutch)
Stichting Penduka kan u bevestigen dat onze Stichting vanaf 1 januari 2010 door de belastingdienst als algemeen nut beogende instelling (ANBI) aangemerkt is met kenmerk 8088.62.261.
Schenkingen zijn daardoor aftrekbaar.
RSIN dan wel het fiscaal nummer: 8088.62.261